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Wednesday 19 February 2014

Begin To Use Daily Lenses And Extended Wear

Begin to use daily lenses and extended wear and do not pay attention to the solution to clean the lens you are using. Perhaps he is the cause of your tears. Cosmetics quite often cause allergies, one of the symptoms which may be tearing. If there is a suspicion that the makeup makes you “cry”, audits in the beautician and discards all funds expired. Also at some time refuse makeup. Not necessarily make it dramatically; it can be phased out from one, then by other means. Once you find a fountain of tears in your cosmetic bag, replace it with a similar means other brand labeled "hypoallergenic." During the experiment, do daily rinse eyes or chamomile tea infusion.

Workplace - If you are drawn to cry only at work, carefully examine the office. Maybe it's in the dry air. If in addition to tears from the eyes observed dryness of the nose, then the body produces lacrimal fluid to contend with increased dry air. The problem may lurk in the computer monitor. Make sure that if some time after sitting behind a computer, you get a headache and fatigue appears, it's time to check the monitor settings or even change it.

Allergy - So you constantly crying, and here began a runny nose and itching appeared. Most likely, these are signs of conjunctivitis. Tears in this case help to get rid of histamine, which is produced in the body in response to allergens.

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